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College Lecture

Virtual Fitness & Wellness Solutions for
Staff and Students

Keep staff and students healthy and engaged regardless of facilities and geographic location.

LIV North can help improve your staff and student experience

No matter where your campus' are located and what facilities they have, LIV North can help engage your staff and students in a variety of fitness and wellness services.  Combined with our onsite management services and you have a winning combination!

Home Fitness
Practicing at Home

Brand to your organization

Works alongside Wellness Commitees

Detailed and customized reporting

Live and on demand content for busy individuals

How LIV North Virtual is engaging staff & students as post-secondary institutions

College & University staff currently have access to
LIV North Virtual programming.

36 000
College & University students currently have access to LIV North Virtual programming

30 minutes
of daily exercise has been proven to have and incredible impact on staff and students alike.

What our Workplace Solutions offers your staff & students


Fitness Classes

With 20 live streaming fitness classes, and an ever growing library of on demand classes, your team will always have an option available to them.


No Sweat Stretch Breaks

These sessions eliviate stress and tension helping to decrease repetitive strain injuries and are designed to be done in work clothes and at a work station. 


Mindfulness Sessions & Series

Mental fatigue and burnout are the key focuses of our  mindfulness session.  These 10 minute sessions help users focus, destress and re-energize.


Workshops & Programs

Knowledge is power and our educational workshops and programs share information on relevant and useful  health topics.  


Motivating Challenges

Once a quarter your team can participate in large motivational challenges that include fitness, nutrition and lifestyle components.

Choose the Option That Fits You Best

This section will talk about LIV North Branded vs Custom vs Hybrid virtual & onsite

Custom Brand

Put your organizations brand first

All content is branded to you

Full access to live and on demand content, workshops, challenges and more through branded portal, app and website.

Economical Option

All content is branded to LIV North

Full access to live and on demand content, workshops, challenges and more


(Virtual & Onsite)

Offer your team the flexibility of amazing on site programming and on-the-go virtual

Stream and play sessions on a TV in your studio

Offer challenges and workshops in person and virtually

Discover Our Online Sessions

LIV North Virtual Services is more than just an online fitness service.  We offer our members access to mindfulness sessions, no sweat stretch breaks, educational workshops and more!  Take a sneak peak at a few of our sessions below.

What's new with Virtual?

Check out some of past programs, recent events and exciting news on our blog!  Click a recent post below or visit our Blog to read them all!

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