What is Optimize Virtual Wellness Fair?
LIVunLtd is committed to enhancing the overall health and wellness of the organizations that we work with. We are so excited to present Optimize - a 4 day virtual wellness fair.
This event is FREE for LIVunLtd clients and Optimal by LIVunLtd members and offers an education filled 4 days.
Each day our attendees will have access to:
A live virtual session on a wellness topic
A helpful downloadable item with take home information on the topic discuss in the live session
A discount voucher for a related service
The chance to win a prize for attending a live session!
All sessions are hosted on Zoom. Continue reading to learn more about our sessions and to find out how you can register for the sessions.

2024 Sessions and Presenters To Be Announced
Click on our 2023 presenters below to read about their session and complete the form below to gain access to the replay of their session, resources, etc.

Congratulations to our 2023 Winners!
As a thank you for joining us for a live Optimize session, your name will be entered into a draw!
Every draw is completed in a random fashion and the winners will be contact via email.
Below are the winners of our 2023 Prize Packs!
Session 1 : The Nutrition Connection
Nutritionist Prize Pack -
Initial Nutrition Consultation, Customized meal plan, 8 week goal support & check ins
(Value - $350.00)
Winner - Bansari P.
Session 2 : The Values Challenge
Wellness Coaching Prize Pack - 6 sessions
(Value - $300.00)
Winner - Heather S.
Session 3: Transform Your Genes
23 & Me Health & Ancestry Kit + OptimalRX Genetics Report
(Value - $399.00)
Winner - Sunny C.
Session 4 : Upward Thinking
Mindfulness Prize Pack
Headphones, mindfulness tools, resources and more!
(Value - $300.00)
Winner - Melinda B.